When Keir Starmer became prime minister, he pledged to table “once-in-a-generation” reforms of worker’s rights within 100 days.
The Labour government will hit that milestone on 12 October – and, if reports are to be believed, ministers will table an Employment Rights Bill on Thursday (10 October).
While full details of the Bill are yet to be revealed, it is likely to cover a number of the workers’ rights pledges contained in Labour’s pre-election manifesto:
It is very important that the statements of terms and conditions of employment provided by MBT Consultancy & Training Ltd are issued immediately. Failure to provide statement of terms and conditions to your employees can result in a loss at employment tribunal, amounting to four weeks wages under Section 38 of the Employment Act 2002.
MBT Consultancy & Training Ltd will update your Employment Personnel Management Manual and Employee Company Handbook with any new employment law legislation. Your Employment Personnel Management Manual and Employee Company Handbook will cover:-
Improving Private Pensions – Compulsory Pension Provision
The changes to private pension plans are just as significant. In the UK, it’s not common practice to have auto-enrolment into pension schemes, unlike on the continent. But from October 2012, in stages until September 2016, all employers in the UK (except single person companies) have to automatically enrol all their ‘eligible jobholders’ into a pension plan by a specified date. Large employers will have to start to auto-enrol their employees into a pension plan first, followed by medium sized employers, then it’s the turn of the smaller firms. Employers can bring their automatic enrolment date forward, if they wish.
Jobholders then have a choice. They can decide pension saving isn’t for them and opt out of the plan. Or they can remain a member, and if so, the employer has to pay a minimum contribution of at least 3% of a band of total earnings, and the individual will have to contribute 4%. The Government gives 1% as tax relief, making an 8% total contribution. Contributions will also be phased in to the full 8% of band earnings up to October 2017. Employers and employees can choose to pay more than the regulatory minimum.
Qualifying period for unfair dismissal increases to two years from the 6th April 2012.
The qualifying period for employees to bring a claim of unfair dismissal increases from one year to two years.
Please note the following changes to minimum wage as of 1st April 2024:
Limit on a week’s redundancy pay from 6th April 2024 £700 and the maximum statutory redundancy pay is £21,000.
Please note the following rates have changes as from April 2024
The earnings threshold for SSP Payment is £123.00 per week
Once the Employment Personnel system has been completed, one of our Employment Consultant’s can then implement the Service into your company, explaining to your employees your company rules and procedures.
The Employment Personnel Service is backed-up with a 24 hour employment personnel advice line 01685 376 950. Often a call for advice at the right time can help you to avoid costly mistakes. For example, when dealing with disciplinary issues or when implementing changes to terms and conditions of employment. To ensure that all advice given by MBT Consultancy & Training Ltd is followed through correctly by our clients we will immediately forward to you the necessary letters and documentation for each individual case to support the advice given. The wording of a letter in Employment Law must be correct one simple word left out may result in an employee winning a claim at an Employment Tribunal.
MBT Consultancy & Training Ltd will also give support during disciplinary meetings. For example, you may have an employee who has been with you for several years and the alleged offence is quite serious which may result in Gross Misconduct with instant dismissal You may feel that you need our back-up to attend the disciplinary meeting to ensure that all procedures are carried out correctly. This support gives you peace of mind and in the event that you end up in an Employment Tribunal one of our consultants would give evidence to support that all your procedures were followed through correctly which will prevent the applicants claim from being successful.
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